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Unlike traditional media conferences, there are no keynotes and PPTX presentations at Stream. Instead, we focus on small working groups of 1h that allow you to share your expertise, and test new, or provocative ideas in an intimate setting.

Similar to a collage campus, Stream is set up with 7-8 ‘classroom’ spaces, all outside, in a variety of tee-pees, and in the garden terraces. Each classroom has seating for 30 guests, a flipchart and pens, and a small clock to keep time.

The agenda for the three-days is decided onsite – when guests add their ideas to the schedule, on two huge white boards, known as the Big Boards. At any time 7-8 sessions can run concurrently, with 1-2 informal sessions on the main-lawn.

Next steps. We encourage guests to share their ideas for sessions in advance, so that we can help group similar ideas together, and ensure we have good coverage of all the big topics. Suggesting a discussion topic doesn’t mean you have all the answers. Instead, good discussions favour a punchy question, debate and willingness to hear many points of view. To add an idea, please click “Log in to submit your idea” below.

If you'd like to talk an idea through before posting, or would like help finding some co-hosts, let us know.
