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Logo - BrandZ

BrandZ: Martin Guerrieria
Public relations: Lucy Edgar

BrandZ Top 100 most valuable global brands 2015

Download the full rankings/analysis:
Ranking report (pdf, 37 Mb)
Press release
• Infographic
   • A3 (pdf, 5.8Mb) | A4 (pdf, 3.7Mb)
Watch on Youtube

Ranking report

Download the Ranking report
(pdf, 37 Mb)
2015 - Brand value rises steadily, despite a
disruptive decade
  • New brand tops the rankings
  • Top 100 brand values increase
  • Surprising top riser
  • New Chinese retail brand joins
Find out this and a lot more by getting your copy of the free, lively and informative report, with results, sector analysis and thought leadership articles by many WPP company colleagues from around the globe.

Watch the launch online video magazine style program that includes:
  • Observations, analysis and insights from the 2015 results
  • Countdown of the Top 100 Brands
  • Key takeaways to help you and your clients grow brand value
  • An exclusive interview with Sir Martin Sorrell
  • Hear from studio guests including Jim Prior and Doreen Wang
  • Plus a lot, lot more