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BrandZ: Martin Guerrieria
Public relations: Lucy Edgar

BrandZ Top 50 - Most Valuable Indonesian Brands 2015

In a transformative time for Indonesian development

  • Growth, stability and consumer confidence create perfect conditions for brand building
  • Economic powerhouse of South East Asia in the midst of change on a massive scale
Now is the time to understand the Indonesian brand landscape better.

Ranking report

Download the Ranking report (pdf, 33 Mb)

As the country begins a momentous phase in its development, blending tradition with modernization, we inaugurate the WPP BrandZ™ Top 50 Most Valuable Indonesian Brands 2015. This ground-breaking study ranks the country's most accomplished brands, analyzes their success, and identifies the key forces that are driving brand growth in this market. It is the first edition of an annual study that will track and anticipate the rapidly evolving environment for brands in Indonesia, and will chart the changing value of the country's most valuable brands.

Indonesia's quarter-of-a-billion people make it the world's fourth-mostpopulous country in the world, and the third-largest democracy. But while these numbers paint a compelling picture of growth and potential in this market, what sets it apart in the region and makes it such an attractive longterm market for brands is its people's vitality and sense of optimism.

Market liberalization and decentralization are not only stimulating economic growth but also bringing unseen levels of consumer spending power. There is a rapidly expanding middle class, and even for those millions of Indonesians who can only yet dream of joining its ranks, there is a strong sense that things are getting better.

As Indonesia marks its 70th anniversary of independence, there is positivity, energy, and determination. As President Joko Widodo said when he was elected last year, the time has come to "move together to work, work and work" towards a better future. The Asian Development Bank forecasts GDP growth in Indonesia of 5.5 percent in 2015, and 6 percent for 2016 - strong, but sufficiently modest to be sustainable.

The pace of market change being seen in Indonesia is breath-taking, thanks to the speed with which economic restructuring and opening up is being implemented.

Such swift change does not come without difficulty and environmental impact. The rush-hour traffic jams on the streets of Jakarta are testament to the challenge of managing the effects of a sudden surge in consumer affluence. But Indonesia is, without doubt, a land of opportunity, both for its people and for the brands that seek their loyalty.

Whether you're an Indonesian or an international company, in this report you'll find knowledge and insight to help you create and grow brands in Indonesia more effectively.