The United States today almost needs nointroduction. It is the world’s largest economy andan essential player in global markets. While 2017has caused it to look inward, its economy andstock market remain healthy as it leans on its richbrand heritage to take it though interesting times.Major American brands have long beenpart of BrandZ™ research, but this is thefirst year we’ve launched a BrandZ™ Top100 Most Valuable US Brands ranking.This ground-breaking study ranks thecountry’s most successful brands,analyzes their strengths, and identifiesthe key forces that are driving growth.It is the first edition of an annual reviewthat will track and anticipate the evolvingenvironment for brands in the UnitedStates, and will chart the changingfortunes of the country’s most valuablebrands.
We are excited to be bringing theBrandZ™ study to the United States.America today is home to some of theworld’s strongest and most universallyrecognized brands. These include oldfavorites, like Disney and Coca-Cola,and rapidly emerging powerhouses, likeAmazon and Facebook. Some of theworld’s most innovative and disruptivebrands call the United States home across many categories.
These brands are not only taking greatproducts and services to the world; theyare exporting America itself. While thecountry’s politics may seem puzzling tomany and the country’s president isdeeply unpopular internationally — theyare also showing that investing in abrand can help companies weather suchstorms and thrive. In this report, we lookat the power of “Brand USA” in the mindof the modern global consumer, andsee that while it’s evolving, it’s still quitestrong, especially around culture andinnovation.
The United States economy has beenforecast to grow 2.1 percent in 2018.While this is decidedly sluggish, Americaremains a vibrant hotbed of innovationand creativity. We see this in its top fivemost valuable brands — Google, Apple,Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook — agroup with such global reach andinfluence that we’ve dubbed them theFearsome Five. In this report, you canfind a detailed analysis of these brands’strengths and what makes them sospecial.
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